Rental Property Association of Wisconsin (Formerly AASEW) is the oldest and largest Apartment Owner trade association in Wisconsin.

Founded in 1974, the RPA provides education, legislative support, and networking opportunities for rental property owners (landlords) in Southeastern WI (Greater Milwaukee area).

When rental housing providers understand the laws, rules, best practices and have access to the resources they need, they are more successful and are better able to serve the communities in which they operate.

The RPA's resources, partners, continuing education and networking events help property owners achieve these objectives.

The RPA believes that for owners to succeed, that their tenants must also succeed. The RPA has been promoting eviction alternatives, advocating for more housing assistance for tenants, and is a strong supporter of Equal Housing. 

Rental Property Association of Wisconsin, Inc. (Formerly AASEW)
P.O. Box 4125
Milwaukee, WI 53204-7905
Phone: 414-276-7378

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