By Dawn Anastasi, AASEW Board Member
Did you attend the latest Landlord Boot Camp in March? If not, why not?
I think the AASEW Landlord Boot Camp is one of the best values for landlords, either new or existing, out there in the market today.
If you haven't attended, you really, really don't know what you're missing. I recently attended again, after attending in the past. And I can honestly say that this continuing education is extremely valuable for my business.
If you attended in the past, you might think, "I've already gone in the past, why go again?"
Because things change constantly! It's not only new laws, but how the court commissioners interpret the existing laws.
It's a good idea to attend, or send your employees, to one of these Boot Camps every 2-3 years, or if there's a new significant law change.
Just the Q&A after the event, which lasts about an hour, is valuable because you get to bring your own questions to get addressed by an attorney.
There's nothing like this Boot Camp in the city of Milwaukee or anywhere in Wisconsin.
If you have questions about the Landlord Boot Camp, or have recently attended and have feedback, please leave your comments below.